sex8 番邦语学院电影之夜第五场——剪刀手爱德华
4月11日晚7点,外籍老师Mr. Tim Musgrave 在励耘楼A107举办了本学期第五场电影之夜活动。外籍老师Mr.Christopher Dockstader以及一群可儿的番邦小一又友们也出席了本次活动。当晚放映的影片是《剪刀手爱德华》。
在播放电影前,Mr.Christopher Dockstader向列位同学分发了一些零食以便他们能更好地享受不雅影流程,一些同学也和可儿的番邦小孩子们相互逗趣。影片《剪刀手爱德华》陈诉了一位边幅歪邪的机器东说念主从无东说念主的古堡被带到了东说念主类执行社会,并在小社区里成为了明星骄子般的东说念主物。但之后,跟着东说念主们对其产生的扭曲越来越大,爱德华不得不回到从前的古堡中去,过回原本的糊口。故事情节禁受了安徒生式的结局,并用秀雅华好意思的色彩行为烘托,形象地反应出现在社会虚幻与执行的差距。
终末sex8,电影终结。Mr.Christopher Dockstader在与同学们相互说念别时还不忘用带点番邦腔的汉文跟同学们说:“邂逅,邂逅!”
BNUZ Movie Nights: Edward Scissorhands
By ZHANG Wenhui
At 7:00 p.m. on April 11th, Mr. Tim Musgrave, Mr. Christopher Dockstader and some lovely foreign kids took part in the Movie Night in Liyun Building Room A107, and the movie was Edward Scissorhands .
Before the movie started, Mr. Christpher Dockstader shared some snacks with the students so that everyone could enjoy the movie better. The film was about a robot who was named Edward and was brought to the human society from an old castle, and people in the community regarded him as a star. However, as the gap between him and other people became wider and wider, he had to return to his previous castle and live alone as before. The movie used a Anderson style ending with a rich and colorful tone, which showed the cruel distance between dream and reality.
狠撸After watching the movie, Mr.Christopher Dockstader said goodbye to the students in Chinese.